How to add a page to the Wiki

Created by Victor Stepanov on 07/12/20 | 1 revision |    

Make sure you have followed the instructions here on setting up your development environment

Things to note:

Page location

All of the pages need to be placed under content/pages/

Page format

All of the pages should use the following Markdown format:

Title: <NAME OF YOUR PAGE example: Python snippet for finding ...>
Date: <DATE example: 01-01-20 16:40> 
Template: <PAGE template type : wiki_branch_page OR wiki_leaf_page >


Page template types

wiki_branch_page - a page that contains a list of links to the child pages (example: )

wiki_leaf_page - a page that contains information (example: this page)

Steps to adding a page

1) Select a category for your page

Select one of the existing categories to place your page under.


  • blender
  • coding
  • contribute
  • houdini
  • math
  • max
  • maya
  • pipelines
  • python3
  • rigging
  • shaders
  • tips
  • tools
  • unity
  • unreal
  • vfx

2.1) Create a subcategory Markdown file and Folder (optional)

If you need to create a subcategory under the category you have selected, create a new Markdown file and a folder with the same name.

Here is an example of creating a python-tips subcategory under the python category folder

└── content/pages/
    ├──            #  python category Markdown file
    └── python/              #  python category folder
        ├──   #  {NEW} python-tips subcategory Markdown file
        └── python-tips/     #  {NEW} python-tips subcategory folder

The Markdown file:

  • should have the Template metadata set to wiki_branch_page
  • the body of the file should be empty
Title: <NAME OF YOUR PAGE example: Python snippet for finding ...>
Date: <DATE example: 01-01-20 16:40> 
Template: wiki_branch_page

2.2) Create the Markdown file

Under the subcategory folder create your new Markdown file.


└── content/pages/
    ├──                 #  python category Markdown file
    └── python/                   #  python category folder
        ├──        #  python-tips subcategory Markdown file
        └── python-tips/          #  python-tips subcategory folder
            └──  #  {NEW} python tip Markdown file

Here we create a file under content/pages/python/python-tips/.

The Markdown file:

  • should have the Template metadata set to to wiki_leaf_page
  • the body of the file should be contain the information you want to share
Title: <NAME OF YOUR PAGE example: Python snippet for finding ...>
Date: <DATE example: 01-01-20 16:40> 
Template: wiki_leaf_page

3) Test your change

  • Test your changes by running the local server
    • Run server
      • on macOS/Linux run: make devserver
      • om Windows run: start peldev.bat && start pelserv.bat
    • Go to http://localhost:8000/

4) Create a Pull Request